Abandoned, Architecture, Missouri, Suspense/Thriller

One Deep Breath

I was a teenager the day my boyfriend and I were separated. The earth had been changing but we hadn’t noticed. We were in love. Others had noticed though and they took steps to keep us alive. Half the population had been moved to the Eastern hemisphere, somewhere near Japan, I think. That’s where my boyfriend went. And I was in the other half that stayed in the United States. I’m not sure where we ended up, they didn’t really tell us that.>

For most of us, there was no communication with the other group. I didn’t know if I’d ever see my boyfriend again.

Abandoned, Arizona, General

She Stayed

If she listened carefully, the sound of the wind blowing through the old water tubes sounded a lot like children’s laughter. She reminisced about what it was like to live in this place when it was still full of energy and life, and water. The drought had now been going on for 50 years. The last good rainfall was over 20 years ago and the weather forecasters didn’t sound hopeful.

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