If she listened carefully, the sound of the wind blowing through the old water tubes sounded a lot like children’s laughter. She reminisced about what it was like to live in this place when it was still full of energy and life, and water. The drought had now been going on for 50 years. The last good rainfall was over 20 years ago and the weather forecasters didn’t sound hopeful.

No one lived here any more.
Even the small amounts of vegetation that remained tended to be full of toxins and not safe for human consumption.
Everyone else had moved on years ago but Georgia couldn’t give it up. Her children begged her to leave the trailer she had called home for her whole life and move to the safe city where everything was controlled and no one wanted for anything. Anything, that is, except the freedom to do what you wanted, when you wanted to.

So she stayed in the trailer and made the 80 mile round trip each day to get the water and food she needed to maintain her life and, more importantly, her freedom.
She stayed, and listened to the sounds of the children’s laughter that wasn’t there any more.

I hope you enjoyed my little story. I believe all places hold many forgotten stories. This is just one of the many possibilities. ⠀⠀
And they also hold real histories. Not all of the histories are known, but many are. And I hope to also share those whenever possible.⠀⠀⠀
These ruins are located inside an RV park that my husband and I stayed at. It looks like the water park was opened in 1998? and closed in 2007. It was originally opened as Justin’s Waterworld but appears to have had a name change to Wyatt’s Water World. According to the guy I talked to, RVers were asking to park in the parking lot on the off season and eventually started putting in their own utilities. When the owner, Pericles Wyatt, decided to shut down the water park, it was converted to a full time RV park.