The Story

Gretchen was still confounded by this random detour. She and her very best friend, Beth, were supposed to be on their way to the Grand Canyon. She’d always wanted to go there. It seemed so, well, exotic for this midwest gal that saw little besides the miles and miles of prairie from her home town in Kansas.⠀

But Beth decided she wanted to stop in some town called New River outside of Phoenix. No matter how much she tried to get Beth to tell her why they were there, Beth just told her it’d be fine.⠀

At least they could stop and grab a snack at the roadside store before heading East, when they should be heading North.⠀

The History

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to track down the history of this building. The word “Shop” is painted on one side. I don’t think it was a house but am not entirely clear on it’s purpose. If you have any information, please share it in the comments.⠀

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